Enjoy the benefits of integrative medicine in Grand Rapids, MI, by working with Dr. Michael Kwast, Dr. James Joseph, Dr. Kris Moore, Dr. Holly York, Dr. Kody Blain, and Dr. Wesley Disbro, and Benjamin Stevens, PNP-C, of Peak Performance Integrated Medicine and iChiro Clinics in Grand Rapids, MI.

What Is Integrative Medicine? 

Integration at our clinics involves a team of caring professionals who see YOU as our product.  Treatment goals are to help you be the best version of yourself, and have the best quality of life possible.  You are assessed and evaluated by our medical and alternative therapy providers.  Musculoskeletal and joint problems are our wheelhouse.

When it comes to keeping your muscles, spine, and joints mobile and functional, our team is a great choice. Our team of holistic providers is proud to provide integrative medicine at our office. Combining regenerative therapies and musculoskeletal therapies is our secret sauce.  By providing therapy to the problem areas, and using regenerative therapies to heal from within, we can approach the problem from both sides.

Integrative medicine providers thoroughly examine your current condition and circumstances to determine which internal and external factors may be contributing to your problems. Because more factors are considered when administering integrative medicine, it is critical for patients to form strong relationships with their providers. You may never feel comfortable disclosing the numerous issues weighing you down without that strong bond.

The comprehensive nature of integrative medicine is also evident when you look at the range of services it includes. Your healthcare provider will use conventional and alternative treatment methods to complement each other and alleviate restrictions in movement throughout your body.

Treatment plans based on the principles of integrative medicine are also likely to change as your needs evolve. We retest patients over the course of treatment to ensure they are seeing progress and maintaining good results.

Consult Dr. Kwast, Dr. Joseph, Dr. Moore, Dr. York, Dr. Blain, Nurse Practitioner Stevens, and Dr. Disbro of Peak Performance Integrated Medicine and iChiro Clinics if you’re looking to try integrative medicine in Grand Rapids, MI.

What Treatments Based on Integrative Medicine Are Available?
The therapies we provide include manual and computerized spinal adjustments, massage therapy, exercise therapy, muscle therapy, regenerative therapies, stretching therapy, and lifestyle changes can improve your current and future quality of life. 

PRP injections, Human Cellular Tissue Products,  and Homeopathic injections are also useful for regenerative medicine, as they provide the body with additional resources to use in its normal self-repair process. PRP injections are made from the patient’s own plasma, and Human Cellular Tissue Products are processed from donated umbilical cords after a baby has been born. No babies are harmed or used in this process.  Homeopathic injections are created by using herbal and nutritional therapies.

Integrative medicine can also help by changing your diet and exercise routine. After evaluating your condition, our experienced team can suggest diet and exercise changes that align with your needs and preferences.

Dr. Kwast, Dr. Joseph, Dr. Moore, Dr. York, Dr. Blain, Nurse Practitioner Stevens, and Dr. Disbro offers integrative medicine solutions in Grand Rapids, MI. Call 616-447-9888 for our North office or 616-656-1830 for our South location.  Come in and find out if you can experience a better quality of life!



4150 E Beltline Ave, Ste 3,
Grand Rapids, MI 49525







8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm



